Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology Theory

 (1) Pay attention to the sorting of ancient literature on traditional Chinese medicine kidney

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine is vast and profound, with a vast body of medical literature related to it. Among them, there are many discussions on the kidneys, which are the source of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese kidney disease. The ancient literature on kidney in traditional Chinese medicine medical books of all dynasties has been sorted out, and a preliminary database of ancient literature on kidney disease in traditional Chinese medicine has been established, laying a good literature foundation for the sorting out of the theory of kidney disease in traditional Chinese medicine.

(2) Research on the Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Emphasis on Kidney

In the academic theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine kidney disease, the basic theoretical research on the kidney has significant theoretical and practical significance. This system not only systematically elaborates on the basic theory and knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine kidney, but also conducts in-depth exploration and research on the disease name analysis, etiology and pathogenesis, as well as syndrome differentiation and treatment of some Western medicine kidney diseases that correspond strongly to traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis, and has achieved fruitful results.

(3) Emphasize the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine principles, methods, formulas, and medicines

The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology places great emphasis on inheriting the kidney treatment ideas of famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners throughout history, and screening effective single and proven formulas for treating kidney disease from ancient Chinese medicine books and folk therapies for research and application. At the same time, learning from the past rather than sticking to it, exploring and developing classical theories to serve clinical treatment, and innovating treatment methods, such as nourishing qi and yin, external application therapy for renal failure, traditional Chinese medicine enema, water bath therapy for renal failure, as well as staged treatment of acute and chronic renal failure, greatly enrich the content of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese kidney disease, with stronger theoretical and practical significance.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How to Rejuvenate Your Kidneys Naturally

How to rejuvenate your kidneys naturally? This question is often put forward by renal patients. In this article, let’s have a quick look.

For CKD patients, the accumulated waste products and fluid are a main problem. They do not only trigger renal inflammation to cause further kidney damage, but also reduce the effectiveness of drugs to restrain you from recovery. Therefore, the key of treatment is to cleanse the blood.

Detoxification Therapy for kidney patients to rejuvenate kidneys

This treatment is mainly consisted of Chinese medicine, which does not bring you any side effects if you can use it correctly. It is actually not a single medicine, but a systemic treatment, which includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Steam Therapy, Mai Kang Mixture, etc.

-No harm to kidneys. It is mainly to restore the human body’s self-detoxification ability rather than combating poison with poison. So it does not harm kidneys.

-Fast response. This treatment can targets medicines to right point so as to achieve quick effects. The method is to get the drug administration of kidney channel tropism and specific acupoint.

-No relapse. Because the detoxification is thorough, your disease won’t relapse that easily. Once toxins inside and outside of cells are cleansed up, the cause of relapse can be eliminated.

Generally speaking, after about one week’s treatment, you will see floccules in urine, which are those wastes being passed out. After about half month’s treatment, your high creatinine, BUN and uric acid level will decrease. Other symptoms such as swelling, weakness, high blood pressure, proteinuria, hematuria and so on will get relieved. After about one month’s treatment, your renal disease will be under control, and your renal function will be promoted gradually.

How to rejuvenate your kidneys naturally? If you can not find out such a treatment in the local treatment, welcome to Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital. Our renal experts will help you recover as early as possible. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please contact me freely.

Formation and Development of the Theoretical System of TCM Nephrology

The formation and development of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology, like the formation of traditional Chinese medicine theory, are gradually developed and improved through continuous medical practice.

The explanation of the kidney in traditional Chinese medicine medical texts throughout history is its fundamental source, but for a long time, it was only scattered and did not form a systematic theoretical system. It was not until the earliest surviving monograph on nephrology, "Yi Guan" by Zhao Yangkui in the Ming Dynasty, that the embryonic form of this theoretical system was first revealed. Afterwards, there were gradually more specialized discussions on the kidney, and with the continuous clinical practice of numerous medical practitioners, it became increasingly rich. After the liberation, the vast number of traditional Chinese medicine and integrated Chinese and Western kidney disease workers diligently pursued ancient teachings, explored innovation, and emphasized the promotion of the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, gradually improving and maturing this theoretical system. Traditional Chinese medicine nephrology has undergone comprehensive development from basic theory to clinical practice and experimental research, gradually forming a complete theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Theoretical System of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology

Originating from traditional Chinese medicine, with deep development and a wide range of research scope

The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology is based on the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, and the overall concept and syndrome differentiation and treatment are still the biggest characteristics of this theoretical system.

Traditional Chinese medicine kidney disease includes Western medicine kidney disease, which is the sum of diseases caused by the physiological characteristics and pathological changes of traditional Chinese medicine kidneys, including Western medicine urinary and reproductive system diseases, some neurological system diseases, endocrine system diseases, and metabolic system diseases; Not only does it involve basic theoretical research, but it also includes experimental and clinical research content; The research scope of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology is very broad, as it not only gathers the past but also integrates the present.

Theoretical System of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology

The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology is an important component of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is also an emerging and open academic theoretical system. It is formed through continuous clinical practice, summarization, and development by generations of medical practitioners in the long-term struggle against diseases among the working people in our country.

The basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine is the most fundamental guiding principle of this theoretical system. The research object mainly focuses on the "kidney" in traditional Chinese medicine's Tibetan medicine, while covering diseases closely related to the kidney in modern medicine, such as the urinary, reproductive, endocrine, immune, central nervous, and metabolic systems. It not only systematically discusses the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine kidney, but also discusses the historical evolution, etiology, and pathogenesis of kidney diseases in traditional Chinese medicine A systematic discussion was made on syndrome differentiation and clinical treatment based on syndrome differentiation.

In addition, this theoretical system also extensively absorbs relevant knowledge and research achievements of modern medicine, and uses scientific and experimental methods to conduct scientific and standardized research on traditional Chinese medicine kidney diseases, clarifying the essence of kidney diseases at a deeper level (this book mainly studies diseases caused by renal dysfunction, namely kidney diseases), and better serving the health of a large number of kidney disease patients. This theoretical system is based on traditional Chinese medicine and constantly innovates, integrating Chinese and Western medicine and infiltrating each other, thus possessing strong vitality and vigor.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Stage 4 FSGS, 20% Functioning Kidneys: What to Do

With stage 4 FSGS, and 20% functioning kidneys, what to do? Just wait for dialysis or kidney transplant? Of course not. With timely treatment, it is possible for you to keep both of them far away. Now go on reading to learn more information.

-To pay attention to your diet

Because of declined renal function, waste products and extra fluid can not be filtered out of body timely. Improper diet can worsen the accumulation of those substances so as to make your kidney condition worse. Therefore, it is recommended to follow a renal-friendly diet, for example, low salt and low protein.

-To take part in exercises regularly

In stage 4, you may often feel tired. But you can not stay in bed always. You should do exercises regularly to strengthen your physical condition. But here it is not suggested to do strenuous exercises.

-To select a correct medical treatment

Because of severe kidney damage, it is not enough to only control symptoms. You should take measures to stabilize the disease and prevent it getting worse. Here Toxin-Removing Treatment will be a good choice. It is a systemic treatment, which makes use of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Steam Therapy and so on to increase your urine output, improve your bowel movement and make you sweat so as to eliminate more wastes and fluid from body. It can also dilate blood vessels and clear up stasis to ensure blood flow fluent, and then nutrients, vitamins, oxygen, active ingredients of medicine and other essential elements can be transported into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. Moreover, it can regulate the balance of anti-inflammatory cytokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines to reduce renal inflammation and control the disease from getting worse. After about one week’s treatment, swelling will vanish. After about half month’s treatment, proteinuria will reduce. After about one month’s treatment, FSGS will be under control, and renal function will get improved.

What to do for stage 4 FSGS patients with 20% functioning kidneys? The above information is just for reference. If you have any questions, please send emails to or chat with whatsapp+8618131101935. Our renal experts will contact you and give you personalized guidance.

About Traditional Chinese Medicine for Kidney Disease

Clinical practice has shown that the combination of steroid treatment and traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of related kidney diseases can fully leverage their respective advantages, promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, shorten treatment courses, improve efficacy, reduce side effects, and lower recurrence rates. Moreover, the combination of cytotoxic drugs and traditional Chinese medicine can also improve the therapeutic effect. Traditional Chinese medicine can eliminate or alleviate the toxic side effects of immunosuppressants, and the combination of immunosuppressants and traditional Chinese medicine can prevent and treat adverse reactions after kidney transplantation. All of these have made significant progress in clinical and experimental research.

At the same time, there are also many studies on the nephrotoxicity of some traditional Chinese medicines, including Chinese herbs and traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations, and relevant preventive measures have been formulated, which not only ensures the safety of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, but also enriches the content of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology.

In addition, some new treatment methods have emerged in the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine for kidney disease, such as retention enema of traditional Chinese medicine, acupoint application of traditional Chinese medicine, ion introduction of acupoints of traditional Chinese medicine, and water bath therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. These methods have not only achieved certain therapeutic effects, but also enriched the content of traditional Chinese medicine for kidney disease treatment.

In short, with the unremitting efforts of traditional Chinese medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and Western kidney disease practitioners, modern research on academic theories of traditional Chinese kidney disease has achieved fruitful results, and the discipline has matured and is developing in depth.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Can Dialysis Be Stopped

In clinical practice, it is not necessary to stop dialysis after it has been performed. Generally, judgments need to be made based on specific circumstances. If it is acute kidney injury, or if renal function damage is reversible, several dialysis sessions are usually sufficient. If it is a patient with chronic renal insufficiency or irreversible damage to renal function, long-term dialysis is required.

1. No need for long-term dialysis: It is generally used for acute kidney injury, such as damage to the kidneys caused by alcohol and drug poisoning. At this time, blood dialysis treatment is often used to remove excess water and metabolic waste from the body. After several rounds of dialysis, the patient's condition may improve and renal function may return to normal. Therefore, long-term dialysis is not necessary in this case; Another situation is that although it is chronic kidney disease, creatinine rapidly increases in a short period of time, and there are acute progression factors, so long-term dialysis is not necessary. After a few rounds of dialysis, the condition stabilizes and can be improved through conservative treatment in traditional Chinese medicine to enhance the kidney's detoxification ability. Toxin indicators such as creatinine naturally decrease.

2. Long term dialysis is required: commonly seen in uremia caused by chronic renal insufficiency, as renal function is already in an irreversible state. At this time, the drainage and detoxification ability of the kidneys in the human body is weakened, and the accumulation of water and toxins in the body has a significant impact on the human body. Blood dialysis or peritoneal dialysis can be used to help the body eliminate excess water and metabolic waste, which is beneficial for maintaining the patient's life and improving their quality of life.

In short, the ability to stop translucency depends on the specific situation of the patient. What is your situation? How high is creatinine? How long has dialysis been? You can state your own situation, and online doctors will provide guidance.

Combination of TCM and Western Medicine for Kidney Disease

In terms of treatment, clinical research on the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of kidney diseases has made significant progress and achieved satisfactory therapeutic effects. With the increasingly systematic and in-depth understanding of kidney disease in modern medicine, the majority of traditional Chinese medicine and the combination of Chinese and Western medicine kidney disease workers have absorbed advanced treatment methods of modern medicine for kidney disease, and applied the traditional Chinese medicine theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment methods. At the same time, combined with the pharmacology and pharmacodynamics of traditional Chinese medicine, they have used prescriptions to treat kidney disease and achieved very satisfactory therapeutic effects. For some renowned traditional Chinese medicine practitioners who have developed specialized formulas for treating kidney disease, or have proven effective formulas and single herbs through clinical practice, such as rhubarb, Tripterygium wilfordii, Cordyceps sinensis, etc., modern medical research methods are used to confirm and serve the vast number of kidney disease patients.

Five Ways to Reduce High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level is mainly due to the damaged kidney. Creatinine is a breakdown product of muscle metabolism. The occurrence of some diseases, such as acute or chronic glomerular nephritis, renal insufficiency or kidney failure or hypertensive nephropathy, and diabetic nephropathy, will lead to the decrease in glomerular filtration function, resulting in the accumulation of creatinine in body instead of discharging into vitro. In this case, blood creatinine will exceed the normal range and urea nitrogen will also reach a high level. There are some ways to lower the high level of creatinine.

-Treatment of Primary Disease: To find out the root causes actively so as to make symptomatic treatment. If high creatinine level is caused by Diabetic Nephropathy, to reduce serum sugar level is required. If elevated creatinine level is caused by Hypertensive Nephropathy, antihypertensive treatment is needed. After curing primary disease, the index of creatinine will decrease to some extent.

-Diet Control: To reduce the intake of foods high in protein, thereby reducing the produce (production) of creatinine.

-Drug Excretion Stimulation: Follow the doctor’s advice to take medicines that can promote execretion, such as Ketosteril, Niaoduqing, Shenshuaining and so on, which can help creatinine out of the human body through the intestinal tract.

-Dialysis: There is hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis to be selected, which can help discharge excess creatinine from body.

-Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine: To improve the kidney detoxification function to eliminate toxins, such as creatinine, from the body. Consequently, the level of creatinine naturally decrease. Commonly used treatments of traditional Chinese medicine include fumigation, medicated bath, du-moxibustion, hot compress and so on.

What is your creatinine level? If you have any problems on kidney disease, please feel free to contact our online doctor or send emails to

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Research Task of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology

Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology is an important component of traditional Chinese medicine theory. With the overall development of traditional Chinese medicine, it has formed its own unique theoretical system and contains valuable practical experience. The development of modern science and technology has injected new content into this discipline, enabling it to have new developments on the basis of inheritance.

Therefore, the research task of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology also includes grasping the essence of kidney theory based on systematic literature review, extracting new academic viewpoints and ideas, forming hypotheses, placing the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology on the basis of correct and scientific inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine theory, and exploring new research ideas and approaches. A series of diagnostic and treatment standards for renal system diseases, such as "Diagnosis and Treatment Criteria for Chronic Nephritis", "Research Plan for Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Glomerular Disease", "Draft Criteria for Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure", and "Criteria for Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Pyelonephritis", have been proposed, discussed, and approved. These standards have been applied in clinical practice and have achieved good results.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

How to Improve Kidney Function for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic condition that results in the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys, ultimately leading to reduced kidney function. While modern medicine has made significant advancements in managing the disease, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers an alternative approach that focuses on improving overall well-being and enhancing kidney function.

In TCM, the kidneys are considered a critical part of the body's vital energy, known as "qi" or "vital energy." They are responsible for storing essence, governing growth, reproduction, and发育, as well as controlling the body's water balance. Therefore, maintaining kidney health is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

One of the key principles of TCM is to treat the root cause of the disease. For PKD, this involves addressing the imbalance in the body's qi and blood, as well as clearing heat and toxins from the body. Herbal formulas, acupuncture, and massage are among the various treatment methods used to achieve these goals.

Herbal formulas are tailored to the individual patient's needs, often focusing on nourishing the kidneys, clearing heat, and detoxifying the body. These formulas can be taken orally or applied externally, depending on the condition. Acupuncture is another popular TCM treatment that involves inserting fine needles at specific points on the body to regulate qi and blood flow. It is believed to help reduce pain, improve circulation, and enhance overall well-being.

In addition to these treatment methods, TCM also emphasizes lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and stress management. A balanced diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and lean protein is recommended, while foods that are excessively spicy, salty, or油腻 (greasy) are avoided. Regular exercise is encouraged to improve circulation and strengthen the body, while stress management techniques such as meditation and relaxation exercises can help reduce anxiety and improve overall mental well-being.

By combining traditional Chinese medicine with modern medical care, patients with polycystic kidney disease can potentially improve their kidney function and overall well-being. This holistic approach not only treats the symptoms but also addresses the root causes of the disease, providing patients with a more comprehensive and personalized treatment plan. It is essential for individuals with PKD to work closely with both traditional and Western doctors to ensure optimal management of their condition.

Research Object of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology

The research object of traditional Chinese medicine nephrology is the innate foundation of the human body - the kidney. The scope of research includes the interpretation and standardization of the basic academic concepts of the discipline, the theory of kidney visceral manifestation, and the diagnosis, etiology, pathology, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, treatment methods, prescriptions, prognosis, modulation and other aspects of various kidney diseases. At the same time, modern scientific means are used to study its pathogenesis and pharmacology to further improve the clinical efficacy.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Acupuncture for Kidney Disease: A Comprehensive Overview

Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, has been used to treat various health conditions, including kidney disease. While the scientific community is still exploring the mechanisms behind acupuncture's effects, many patients report significant improvements in their symptoms and quality of life after undergoing this treatment. In this article, we will explore the role of acupuncture in managing kidney disease and its potential benefits.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to调和身体的气血(regulate the flow of qi and blood)and balance the body's energy. This process stimulates the body's natural healing abilities and can help to relieve pain, improve circulation, and调和身体器官的功能(regulate organ function).

Benefits of Acupuncture for Kidney Disease

Relief of Pain and Discomfort: One of the most common complaints among kidney disease patients is pain and discomfort in the back, waist, and hip areas. Acupuncture can effectively缓解这些疼痛(relieve these pains)and improve comfort levels.

Management of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Patients with CKD often experience various symptoms, such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and difficulty sleeping. Acupuncture can help to改善这些症状(improve these symptoms), enhancing overall well-being and quality of life.

Regulation of Fluid Balance: Managing fluid balance is crucial for kidney disease patients, as excessive fluid can lead to swelling and edema. Acupuncture can调节身体的液体平衡(regulate fluid balance in the body), reducing the need for dialysis or other medical interventions.

Stress Relief: Chronic stress can have a negative impact on kidney function and overall well-being. Acupuncture has been shown to effectively缓解压力(reduce stress), promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Improved Sleep: Disturbed sleep is common among kidney disease patients, leading to fatigue and decreased quality of life. Acupuncture can调节睡眠质量(improve sleep quality), leading to more restful nights and improved daytime function.

Complementary Therapy: Acupuncture can be used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments for kidney disease. It may enhance the effectiveness of conventional therapies and reduce the need for medication, particularly in managing pain and discomfort.


Acupuncture offers a promising complementary approach for managing kidney disease. It has the potential to缓解疼痛和不适感(relieve pain and discomfort), improve overall well-being and quality of life, and regulate various symptoms associated with kidney disease. However, further research is needed to confirm the long-term benefits of acupuncture in kidney disease management and its role in reducing the need for conventional medical interventions. It is important to consult with a qualified acupuncturist and conventional healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan for individual patients.

About Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology

Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology is a clinical discipline that is based on the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, based on the physiological characteristics and pathological changes of the kidneys. It inherits the theories and clinical experiences of ancient and modern medical experts on kidney disease, and combines modern medical research results to systematically describe the etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation and treatment, principles, prescriptions, outcomes, and prognosis of traditional Chinese medicine kidney system (regulating water) diseases. It is an important branch of traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine.

Treatment Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine for Kidney Disease

From the perspective of treatment principles, traditional Chinese medicine adopts methods such as protecting the kidneys, tonifying the kidneys, warming the kidneys, diuresis, dispelling dampness, detoxification, etc., while Western medicine adopts methods such as protecting kidney function, protecting residual renal units, anti-infection, diuresis, and reducing swelling. The two treatment approaches and principles share the same goal.

In summary, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are essentially consistent in their understanding of the kidney's regulation of water and the normal metabolism of fluids. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes holistic observation, dialectical thinking, and clinical practice research, providing a systematic basis for understanding the physiological and pathological laws of kidney regulating water. Modern Chinese medicine has made some progress in the substantive research of kidney regulating water. The thinking of Western medicine is based on practical research, utilizing modern science and technology to objectively and microscopically understand the kidney, and developing to understand the kidney at the cellular and molecular levels. This article discusses the physiological function, pathological manifestations, and treatment principles of the kidney from different perspectives and methods, enriching the understanding of the pathological physiology of the kidney and improving the clinical level of kidney disease treatment.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Treatment Principles of Western Medicine for Kidney Associated Disease


The treatment principles of Western medicine for kidney, ureter, bladder, and prostate diseases caused by various reasons include protecting kidney function, maintaining water electrolyte balance and acid-base balance, anti-infection, diuresis and swelling reduction, and dilating vascular smooth muscle. For patients with complete anuria, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplant have been used to maintain the relative balance of fluid metabolism, saving many patients.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Treatment of Renal Dysfunction in Regulating Water

In the treatment of renal dysfunction in regulating water, clinical doctors always adhere to the principle of treating both the symptoms and the root cause, and protecting the kidney and strengthening the foundation. For patients with insufficient kidney Yang, such as frequent urination, high urine output, nocturia, or low urine output, the method of warming the kidney and assisting Yang should be used; For those who experience enuresis and incomplete urination due to the lack of solid kidney Qi, the method of tonifying the kidney and solidifying the astringency should be used. For those with edema and diarrhea caused by spleen and kidney Yang deficiency, the method of tonifying the spleen and kidney is used; For gonorrhea caused by incomplete dripping, astringency in urine, and stinging pain in urine, it is recommended to clear heat and dampness, warm yang, transform qi, and clear the gonorrhea. For those with kidney deficiency, it is recommended to tonify the kidney, firm the astringency, and clear the gonorrhea. The above dialectical rules have a good effect on the recovery of kidney function in regulating water.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations of renal damage

The abnormal metabolism of kidney fluid in Western medicine ultimately leads to kidney damage, which can be caused by two types of causes: primary kidney disease and secondary kidney disease. Primary damage caused by various infections, poisoning, tumors, deformities, hypertension, diabetes and immune disorders, urinary tract stone obstruction, and drug damage to the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, and other parts is the most common cause of kidney damage. Clinical pathology shows glomerular membranous hyperplasia or fibrosis, manifested as crises such as polyuria, oliguria, nocturia, incomplete urination, frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, anuria, edema, heart failure, pleural and ascites. Laboratory examination showed hematuria, proteinuria, tubular urine, elevated level of blood urea nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, and creatinine, decreased creatinine clearance rate, obstructed or low-level straight lines on the renal , and shrunk or enlarged renal image on both kidneys on ultrasound. Renal damage with clear etiology through routine examination is likely to lead to water sodium retention, acidosis, hyperkalemia and other serious electrolyte disorders. If not properly treated, the condition will worsen. This also fully demonstrates that the kidney plays a dominant role in water metabolism, and the organ damage affected by kidney damage is severe, with prominent manifestations being abnormal water metabolism.

Both the etiology of traditional Chinese and Western medicine emphasizes internal factors. Renal damage caused by external factors has different clinical manifestations and pathological mechanisms. Although the explanations are different, they all emphasize that renal damage is the main cause, and urinary incontinence, edema, and other factors are mostly related to the kidneys.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Clinical Manifestations of Kidney Dysfunction in Regulating Water

Clinical doctors discuss about kidney dysfunction in regulating water. Initially, it is often caused by the invading exogenous wind-evil, resulting in wind-cold or wind-heat. When it enters the body, it transforms into heat toxin, causing imbalance of Yin and Yang in the body, deficiency of kidney YangQi, loss of kidney Yin, and abnormal transformation of kidney Qi and Heat so as to result in insufficient spleen Yang, loss of circulation and regulation, dysfunction of the lung’s regulating waterways, loss of opening and closing of the kidneys, accumulation of water and dampness in the body, and even overflowing skin to form edema.

If the kidney loses the role of vaporization for a long time, the essence in the turbid cannot rise again, and the turbid in the turbid cannot fall in the bladder, and the water-dampness will stagnate into wet turbidity, forming water poison and retention in the body, which is the pathogenesis of water poison retention in renal failure. Kidney Qi deficiency and kidney failing to store can be observed clinically, including oliguria or polyuria, enuresis, incomplete dribbling of urine, weak urination, urinary incontinence, frequent urination, nocturia, retention of urine, difficulty in urination and nausea, and other symptoms. If the kidney Yang does not rise, the heart yang also does not rise, the Yang Qi is deficient and weakened, the water and cold do not dissolve, and it flows up to the heart so as to cause palpitations, wheezing, edema, and other symptoms of water Qi affecting the heart. If there is improper diet, occasional joy and anger, and irregular deficiency cold, it can lead to kidney deficiency, bladder dampness and heat, frequent urination, burning and dripping urine. This disease is located in the kidneys and bladder, due to damp heat and internal kidney deficiency.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

From the Perspective of Western Medicine, to See Kidney Function

The kidney referred to in Western medicine is the urinary organ in the human body, which has the functions of generating urine, excreting metabolic products, and automatically concentrating and diluting urine according to the human body's water demand so as to increase or decrease urine excretion. This mainly relies on the filtration and secretion of water by the glomerulus, and 99% of the water is reabsorbed by the renal tubules, ultimately excreting 1% of the water, thereby maintaining the dynamic balance of water electrolytes and acid-base ions, excreting toxins and drugs in the body, and playing a role in purifying the internal environment. In addition, the renin angiotensin aldosterone system has various bioactive effects, among which aldosterone has a sodium retention and potassium excretion effect, which has a significant impact on water sodium metabolism and can regulate water liquid balance.

From the above, it can be seen that in traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney governs water through the gasification and transpiration of kidney Yang, with warm and transformation, playing a leading role in water metabolism in the lungs, spleen, triple jiao, bladder, and small intestine. While in Western medicine, renal function is mainly reflected in the excretion of toxins in urine, regulation of water and electrolytes, maintenance of acid-base balance, and the spherical tube system that regulates water and liquid balance, which is the most important organ for human water metabolism. It is not difficult to see that the summary of the theory of kidney governing water contains the function of Western medicine in participating in water metabolism.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Details about Kidney Function of Regulating Water

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is a water organ, and it contains Yuan Yang and Yuan Yin, which store essence and manage the two Yin. Besides, it interacts with the bladder on the surface and inside. As stated in "Basic Question. On Disharmony with Diseases": "The kidney is the water organ that controls fluids and also the gateway to the stomach."

Yuan Yin, also known as Kidney Yin or Genuine-Yin, is the foundation of Yin fluid of human body and plays a role in nourishing and moisturizing the viscera.

Yuan Yang, also known as Kidney Yang, Genuine-Yang, or Genuine-Fire, is the fundamental source of Yang energy in the human body, playing a role in warming and biochemical the viscera.

Yuan Yin is the material foundation of the human body, while Yuan Yang is the driving force of life. Only by coordinating the two can the normal metabolism of main fluids be completed.

The kidney governs water, which means the kidney is responsible for the metabolism of water in the body. That is, through the transpiration and gasification of Yang Qi in the kidneys, the water received by the stomach is transported and transformed through the spleen, the regulation of water channels in the lungs, and the "defibrillation" function of the tri-jiao, and then through the ascending and descending of turbidity in the small intestine, allowing the turbid to be discharged from the body through the bladder, while the clear is returned to the lungs and distributed to various organs throughout the body, where it is transformed into mucus, saliva, tears, and saliva, belonging to the essence, blood, and body fluids. This circulation maintains the balance of water metabolism.

In the process of water metabolism, the tri-jiao is the channel for the transfer of internal and external, upper and lower water fluids in the body. The spleen and stomach in the middle jiao are the hub for the transfer of ascending and descending turbidity, while the kidney is the key Gasification runs through the entire process of water metabolism, which fully demonstrates the role of the kidney in dominating and regulating water metabolism.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

From the Perspective of TCM: Kidney Function of Regulating Water

The kidney governs water, which refers to the function of the kidney in controlling and regulating the balance of body fluid metabolism. Once the function of the kidney regulating water is disrupted, the metabolism of body fluids will lose balance, leading to various pathological changes. The theory that the kidney controls water is different from the expression of the kidney's involvement in the generation, excretion, regulation of water, electrolytes, and acid-base balance of urine, as well as in the regulation of nerves and endocrine systems. This is reflected in the same patient's condition. We can have a specific understanding of this.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Looking at the kidneys from the perspective of TCM

The kidney is an important organ in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory of visceral outward manifestation, and is the congenital foundation. Throughout history, medical practitioners have accumulated rich experience in treating diseases caused by the two major dysfunctions of the kidney, which stores essence of life and regulates water, forming a dialectical theory of treatment.

In the 1950s and 1960s, there were gradually more reports on the treatment of refractory edema, retention of urine, difficulty in urination and defecation, stranguria, and other diseases in traditional Chinese medicine.

By the 1970s, the field of kidney disease in Western medicine had flourished. The clinical practice of combining Chinese and Western medicine, led by the theory of kidney regulating water in the TCM theory of visceral outward manifestation, had gained considerable experience in pathological research, treatment research, experimental research, and prescription research.

In the early 1980s, the National Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology (formerly known as the Internal Medicine Nephrology Group) was also established.

Over the past 20 years, academic conferences have reflected the research content of traditional Chinese medicine kidney disease. Scholars from various regions have gained a deeper understanding of one aspect of the scope of traditional Chinese medicine kidney disease, which is the relationship between the kidney's water regulation and the kidney's water metabolism. Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephrology, as a clinical discipline of traditional Chinese medicine, is also becoming increasingly mature. From the perspective of clinical practice, the development of traditional Chinese medicine to the present day shows that the understanding of kidneys in traditional Chinese medicine is essentially the same as that in Western medicine, and it can be said that different paths lead to the same goal.

Massaging the Yongquan acupoint is beneficial for the kidneys

Massaging the Yongquan acupoint is beneficial for the kidneys. The following are the methods for massaging the Yongquan acupoint: Rubbing...