Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How to Rejuvenate Your Kidneys Naturally

How to rejuvenate your kidneys naturally? This question is often put forward by renal patients. In this article, let’s have a quick look.

For CKD patients, the accumulated waste products and fluid are a main problem. They do not only trigger renal inflammation to cause further kidney damage, but also reduce the effectiveness of drugs to restrain you from recovery. Therefore, the key of treatment is to cleanse the blood.

Detoxification Therapy for kidney patients to rejuvenate kidneys

This treatment is mainly consisted of Chinese medicine, which does not bring you any side effects if you can use it correctly. It is actually not a single medicine, but a systemic treatment, which includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Steam Therapy, Mai Kang Mixture, etc.

-No harm to kidneys. It is mainly to restore the human body’s self-detoxification ability rather than combating poison with poison. So it does not harm kidneys.

-Fast response. This treatment can targets medicines to right point so as to achieve quick effects. The method is to get the drug administration of kidney channel tropism and specific acupoint.

-No relapse. Because the detoxification is thorough, your disease won’t relapse that easily. Once toxins inside and outside of cells are cleansed up, the cause of relapse can be eliminated.

Generally speaking, after about one week’s treatment, you will see floccules in urine, which are those wastes being passed out. After about half month’s treatment, your high creatinine, BUN and uric acid level will decrease. Other symptoms such as swelling, weakness, high blood pressure, proteinuria, hematuria and so on will get relieved. After about one month’s treatment, your renal disease will be under control, and your renal function will be promoted gradually.

How to rejuvenate your kidneys naturally? If you can not find out such a treatment in the local treatment, welcome to Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital. Our renal experts will help you recover as early as possible. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please contact me freely.

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