Friday, February 16, 2024

Massaging the Yongquan acupoint is beneficial for the kidneys

Massaging the Yongquan acupoint is beneficial for the kidneys. The following are the methods for massaging the Yongquan acupoint:

  1. Rubbing Yongquan with hands: Sit cross legged every day, rub the palms of both hands against each other to generate heat. Then, grip the foot tightly with both hands, starting from the toe base and crossing the ankle joint to the line of Sanyinjiao (four transverse fingers on the upper side of the ankle), rub back and forth vigorously 20-30 times, and then rub the Yongquan acupoint on the right and left foot for 5 minutes each. This approach has the effects of strengthening the body, waist, and kidneys. Be careful not to slow down or rush during the rubbing technique, with a slight sense of rhythm.
  2. Rubbing the Yongquan acupoint with feet: Sleep on your back in bed, lift your feet, face each other's soles, and then rub the other foot's Yongquan acupoint against each other. Rub about 100 times a day. If combined with moxibustion on this acupoint for about 10 minutes, 1-2 times a day, the effect will be better.
  3. Knocking the Yongquan acupoint: Before going to bed every night, use your index and middle fingers or a rubber hammer to tap the Yongquan acupoint, and tap each foot's acupoint about 100 times. Tap rhythmically around the acupoints, preferably with slight pain. You can sit cross legged on a bed or chair, placing one foot on the knee of the other leg to make it easier to tap.
  4. Foot tennis technique: Sitting on a chair, rotate the tennis ball at the acupoint on the soles of the feet.

In addition, the kneading method can also be used. Use the fingertips of the thumb to vertically press the Yongquan acupoint in the foot center, press it for a moment, then lift it up, press and release it repeatedly, and the force should be within one's own tolerance.

Please note that the above methods are for reference only. If you experience any physical discomfort, it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Do You Need Dialysis for a Creatinine Level of 7?

Creatinine is a waste product that is formed when the body breaks down muscle tissue. It is normally filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. When creatinine levels rise, it can be a sign of kidney dysfunction or kidney failure. Dialysis is a treatment used to filter the blood when the kidneys can no longer perform this function effectively.

However, whether or not dialysis is needed for a creatinine level of 7 depends on several factors. Firstly, it is important to note that the normal range of creatinine levels can vary slightly depending on age, gender, and other factors. Generally speaking, a creatinine level of 7 is considered elevated and may indicate kidney disease.

Secondly, the decision to start dialysis is not solely based on creatinine levels alone. Other factors such as the presence of symptoms, overall kidney function, and any comorbid conditions are also taken into account. For example, if a person has severe symptoms such as fluid retention, electrolyte imbalances, or high blood pressure, dialysis may be recommended even if their creatinine level is not extremely high.

Thirdly, dialysis is not always the first line of treatment for elevated creatinine levels. In some cases, conservative management may be attempted first, including lifestyle modifications, medication, and dietary changes. Dialysis is typically considered when other treatments have failed or when there is a risk of serious complications.

In conclusion, whether or not dialysis is needed for a creatinine level of 7 depends on the individual's overall health status, kidney function, and the presence of any comorbid conditions. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment based on the specific situation.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Can You Eventually Get Off Dialysis?

Dialysis is a life-saving treatment for individuals with kidney failure, as it helps remove waste products and excess fluids from the blood. However, the question of whether someone can eventually stop dialysis often arises. This article explores the possibilities and considerations surrounding this question.

Understanding Dialysis

Dialysis is typically required when the kidneys are no longer able to perform their functions adequately. It involves the use of a machine to filter the blood, mimicking the role of healthy kidneys. Dialysis can be performed in two main ways: hemodialysis, which filters the blood outside the body, and peritoneal dialysis, which uses the lining of the abdomen to filter the blood.

Can Dialysis Be Stopped?

The need for dialysis is determined by the severity of kidney failure and the overall health of the individual. In some cases, dialysis may be temporary, such as when kidney function is impaired due to an acute illness or injury. Once the underlying condition improves, dialysis may no longer be necessary. If you are on dialysis within one year, you still produce urine and your kidney size is over 6cm, it is also possible for you to get off dialysis.

However, for individuals with chronic kidney failure, dialysis is typically a lifelong treatment. The kidneys may not recover enough function to support the body without assistance. In these cases, stopping dialysis can lead to a buildup of waste products and fluids in the blood, resulting in serious health complications and potentially life-threatening situations.

Alternatives to Dialysis

While dialysis is a crucial treatment for kidney failure, some individuals may explore alternatives. One such alternative is a kidney transplant, which involves receiving a healthy kidney from a donor. A successful kidney transplant can restore kidney function and eliminate the need for dialysis. However, transplants are not suitable for everyone, and waiting times for a suitable donor can be long.

Chinese Medicine Toxin-Removing Treatment is also an alternative to dialysis. It can help restore kidney's own detoxification ability so as to lower creatinine level. 

Improving Kidney Health

For individuals on dialysis, improving kidney health is crucial. This may involve managing underlying health conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, that can contribute to kidney damage. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can also help support kidney health.

In addition, working closely with a healthcare team is essential. Regular monitoring and adjustments to dialysis treatments can help ensure that the individual's needs are met and that kidney function is optimized.


While it may be possible to stop dialysis in some cases, it is crucial to understand that this is not always feasible, particularly for individuals with chronic kidney failure. Dialysis is a lifesaving treatment that helps support kidney function and overall health. For those seeking alternatives to dialysis, a kidney transplant may be an option, but it is not suitable for everyone. Improving kidney health and working closely with a healthcare team can help individuals on dialysis lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. For more information on alternatives to dialysis, please contact me at

The Mystery between Rainwater Solar Terms and Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephropathy

As the rainy season approaches, nature begins to gradually awaken and all things revive. Rainwater, as one of the twenty-four solar terms, marks the beginning of rainfall and the gradual increase in rainfall. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the rainy season is closely related to the physiological and pathological changes of the human body, especially for patients with kidney disease, the regulation during this period is particularly important.

1. Rainwater Solar Terms and the Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The rainy season belongs to spring, which belongs to wood in the Five Elements and corresponds to sourness, greenery, and the East. However, water is the mother of wood, and the arrival of rainwater provides nourishment for the wood elements in spring. The kidney belongs to water in the Five Elements, corresponding to winter, northern, and black. Although spring is the main season, the kidneys, as water organs, still receive special attention during this period. Because the kidney is the innate foundation, responsible for storing essence and providing the driving force for life activities. In spring, liver wood grows and needs nourishment from kidney water. Therefore, the rainy season is of great significance for regulating the kidneys.

2. The Effect of Rainwater Solar Terms on Kidney Disease

Increased humidity: During the rainy season, the humidity in the air gradually increases. Heavy dampness can easily trap the spleen and stomach, affecting the circulation of water and dampness. For patients with kidney disease, the invasion of dampness can increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to worsening symptoms such as edema and poor urination.

Cold evil has not completely receded: Although the temperature gradually rises in spring, during the rainy season, the cold evil has not completely receded. Cold pathogens can easily invade the kidneys, leading to kidney yang deficiency and weakness, resulting in symptoms such as soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, fear of cold, and cold limbs. Therefore, patients with kidney disease still need to pay attention to keeping warm and avoiding the invasion of cold pathogens during this period.

Emotional fluctuations: Liver wood grows in spring, and emotions are prone to fluctuations. For patients with kidney disease, emotional fluctuations can affect the circulation of qi and blood, thereby increasing the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, maintaining emotional stability is particularly important for regulating kidney disease patients.

3. The Relationship between Traditional Chinese Medicine Regulating Kidney Disease and Rainwater Solar Terms

Dispelling dampness and strengthening the spleen: During the rainy season, patients with kidney disease should pay attention to dispelling dampness and strengthening the spleen. It is advisable to consume foods that have the function of invigorating the spleen and dispelling dampness, such as yam, coix seed, and lentils. At the same time, avoid consuming overly greasy and sweet foods to avoid exacerbating dampness.

Warm tonifying kidney yang: In response to the situation where cold pathogenic factors have not yet subsided, kidney disease patients can appropriately consume warm foods, such as chives, ginger, lamb, etc., to enhance the warming effect of kidney yang. At the same time, pay attention to keeping warm and avoid the invasion of cold evil.

Emotional regulation: In spring, when emotions fluctuate greatly, kidney disease patients should pay attention to emotional regulation. Stress can be relieved and emotional stability can be maintained through appropriate exercise, listening to music, and communicating with friends.

4. Summary and Outlook

There is a close relationship between the rainy season and traditional Chinese medicine kidney disease. During this period, patients with kidney disease should pay attention to regulating aspects such as dispelling dampness, strengthening the spleen, warming and tonifying kidney yang, and regulating emotions. At the same time, it is important to closely monitor changes in one's own condition and seek timely medical treatment. Through scientific and reasonable conditioning and treatment, it is believed that kidney disease patients can spend a healthy and comfortable rainy season.

Exploring Alternatives: Is There Any Way to Stop Dialysis?

Dialysis is a lifesaving treatment for individuals with kidney failure, as it removes waste products and excess fluids from the blood when the kidneys can no longer perform these functions. However, the idea of stopping dialysis is often contemplated, either due to its associated discomforts, the desire for a more natural lifestyle, or the hope of finding a more permanent solution.

It's important to note that stopping dialysis without an alternative treatment plan can be life-threatening. The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining the body's homeostasis, and without their function, toxic build-up can lead to severe health complications and even death.

That being said, let's explore some possibilities:

Kidney Transplantation:

The most viable long-term alternative to dialysis is a kidney transplant. This involves surgically implanting a healthy kidney from a donor into the patient. A successful transplant can significantly improve quality of life, reduce the need for dialysis, and prolong survival. However, the waiting period for a suitable kidney can be long, and not everyone is a candidate for transplantation due to various health factors.

Improving Kidney Function Naturally:

In some cases, individuals with acute kidney injury or early-stage chronic kidney disease may be able to improve their kidney function through lifestyle modifications and medical management. This approach involves strict control of blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, as well as adopting a kidney-friendly diet low in salt, phosphorus, and potassium. Regular exercise, smoking cessation, and limiting alcohol consumption can also help. Besides, some Chinese medicine therapies, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help restore some renal function so as to avoid dialysis. However, it's essential to consult with a nephrologist to determine if this approach is suitable for your specific condition.

Conservative Management:

For those with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who are not candidates for dialysis or transplantation, conservative management may be an option. This approach focuses on providing palliative care and symptom management, rather than actively treating the kidney failure. It involves close monitoring of symptoms, managing fluid and electrolyte balances, and providing emotional and spiritual support. Conservative management aims to improve quality of life in the advanced stages of kidney disease, but it does not cure or reverse the condition. And Chinese medicine therapies, such as Toxin-Removing Treatment can help remove toxins from body and enhance the kidneys' own ability to remove toxins. If there is acute development factors, there is great possibility to stop dialysis. 

In conclusion, stopping dialysis without an alternative treatment plan is not advisable. Dialysis is a crucial treatment for individuals with kidney failure, and ceasing it abruptly can lead to severe health complications. However, for those seeking alternatives, kidney transplantation, improving kidney function naturally, and conservative management are options worth exploring. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on your specific condition and overall health.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a serious kidney disease that results in the loss of protein in the urine, hypoproteinemia, high cholesterol, and swelling. It can lead to end-stage renal disease if not properly treated. Conventional treatment options for nephrotic syndrome often involve the use of immunosuppressive agents and steroids, which can have significant side effects. Therefore, there is a need for alternative treatment options that are safer and more effective.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a novel treatment method that combines traditional Chinese medicine with modern technology. It involves the use of micro-Chinese medicine particles to deliver medicine directly to the affected areas of the body through the skin. This method allows for the controlled release of the medicine, which can help to reduce side effects and improve treatment outcomes.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been used to treat various diseases, including nephrotic syndrome. In nephrotic syndrome, the treatment involves the use of Chinese herbal medicine that is designed to regulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve kidney function. The micro-medicine particles are applied to the skin over the kidney area, allowing the medicine to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream and delivered to the affected kidney tissues.

Multiple studies have shown that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is effective in treating nephrotic syndrome. One study found that patients who received Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in addition to conventional treatment had significantly lower proteinuria levels and better kidney function compared to those who only received conventional treatment. Another study showed that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy was able to reduce the need for immunosuppressive agents in patients with nephrotic syndrome, thereby reducing the risk of side effects.

The mechanism of action of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in nephrotic syndrome is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve multiple pathways. The Chinese herbal medicine used in this treatment has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects, which can help to reduce kidney damage and improve kidney function. In addition, the micro-medicine particles are able to penetrate the skin and deliver the medicine directly to the affected kidney tissues, allowing for a more targeted and effective treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a safe and effective treatment option for nephrotic syndrome. It can be used in conjunction with conventional treatment methods or as a standalone treatment for mild to moderate cases of nephrotic syndrome. However, it is important to note that this treatment is still considered experimental and should only be used under the guidance of a qualified traditional Chinese medicine practitioner or nephrologist. Future research is needed to further investigate the long-term safety and efficacy of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome. 

For more information on Chinese medicine treatment, please feel free to contact me at

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Anatomy

The concepts of the five viscera, six hollow organs, five senses, and nine orifices in traditional Chinese medicine should be said to have been formed on the basis of anatomical observation. The Inner Canon contains a wealth of anatomical knowledge. At that time, anatomy was a conscious behavior in the development of medical science, and there were not many signs of being strictly prohibited due to religious or other influences like in the West. It can be considered that it was carried out entirely for the needs of medical development. In the "Ling Shu Jing Shui", it is recorded that "... a person of eight feet, whose skin and flesh are here, can be measured, cut, and followed externally, and their death can be dissected and observed.". The crunchness of its organs, the size of its mansion, the number of valleys, the length of its veins, the clarity of its blood, and the abundance of its qi all have significant numbers. It reflects that during the era of the Inner Canon, there was a certain understanding of the external and internal morphology of the human body. Anatomy has become one of the indispensable methods for people to understand the internal structure and function of the human body at that time. Moreover, according to records on the length of the human digestive tract, its anatomical level has reached a considerable height. By comparing Eastern and Western medicine, it can be seen that the anatomical achievements of the Inner Canon era were at the forefront of world medicine at that time.

For the theory of Renal Visceral Manifestation, the anatomical significance lies in its discovery of the kidney, which led to the first proposal of the concept of "kidney". Although the ultimately established theory of Renal Visceral Manifestation was not based on the anatomical morphology of renal organs, the construction of the theory of Renal Visceral Manifestation began with this initial anatomical concept. Without this, everything will be unimaginable.

Massaging the Yongquan acupoint is beneficial for the kidneys

Massaging the Yongquan acupoint is beneficial for the kidneys. The following are the methods for massaging the Yongquan acupoint: Rubbing...